Popular Arthritis Drug For Dogs May Have Severe Side Effects, F.D.A. Says
The agency recommended that the maker of Librela update its [...]
The agency recommended that the maker of Librela update its [...]
With a forthcoming nonfiction book and an online army of [...]
Francisco Lopera desafió rebeldes, carteles y murciélagos vampiro para convertirse [...]
Francisco Lopera defied rebels, cartels and vampire bats to become [...]
Opill will cost $19.99 per month or $49.99 for a [...]
Polypharmacy, a prescribing practice that some experts warn can be [...]
Social media influencers and online marketing may have played a [...]
A new antibiotic, zoliflodacin, is as effective as the current [...]
A tornado that damaged a Pfizer plant in North Carolina [...]
The nasal spray reverses opioid overdoses and public health officials [...]